Saturday, May 16, 2015

Traveled to India Today

Some of you reading may remember that I didn't start packing till the night before I left. While I do not ever recommend last minute packing, especially for a semester long trip, I am happy to report that I have arrived safe and sound in India with everything I need... so far (knock on wood).

I think I should also mention that it is not a good idea to try and walk from the Siglap McDonald's to the Changi Airport (Singapore Airport). There are a lot of rules in Singapore and walking near highways may be addressed in some of them... I am not saying I was walking on or near a highway at any point, but if there is a law that addresses pedestrians and highways and a person were to get caught breaking that law it could be unfortunate for the perpetrator. So don't break laws!... Anyways, what was I really talking about? Oh so I watched the sunrise in Singapore, because when your plane lands at 3am and you are full of energy, and you have a 13 hour layover ahead of you why on Earth wouldn't you hire a cab, drive around the city, get breakfast at McDonald's, and then walk to the beach to watch aforementioned sunrise!?!?

Here is a walking route I do not recommend:'s+Siglap/1.3166848,103.9776214/@1.3217824,103.9487568,14z/data=!4m24!4m23!1m20!1m1!1s0x31da22a491deec25:0xdac26e3ae25229b6!2m2!1d103.92325!2d1.312606!3m4!1m2!1d103.92444!2d1.3050319!3s0x31da22984bce5dfd:0xa7fdd6ab86a026a2!3m4!1m2!1d103.9385117!2d1.3076549!3s0x31da22c01ca08b75:0xdb25ce995aede034!3m4!1m2!1d103.9792583!2d1.3282212!3s0x31da3ccb9ddc472b:0x24f2206ac74f1874!1m0!3e2

Well to sum it all up - I love my trip so far! There have been little stresses here and there, but I am lucky to have this opportunity and to be going on this adventure. Here is a pic of the city of Singapore from East Coast Beach Park. I think I took it around 4:30am.

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